-- Input file to solve 1D Poisson equations using FEM
-- polynomial order
polyOrder = 3
-- Determine number of global nodes per cell for use in creating
-- fields. Note that this looks a bit odd as this not the number of
-- *local* nodes but the number of nodes in each cell to give the
-- correct number of global nodes in fields.
if (polyOrder == 1) then
numNodesPerCell = 1
elseif (polyOrder == 2) then
numNodesPerCell = 2
elseif (polyOrder == 3) then
numNodesPerCell = 3
grid = Grid.RectCart1D {
lower = {0.0},
upper = {1.0},
cells = {2},
-- create FEM nodal basis
basis = NodalFiniteElement1D.Lobatto {
-- grid on which elements should be constructured
onGrid = grid,
-- polynomial order in each cell. One of 1, 2 or 3. Corresponding
-- number of nodes are 2, 3, or 4.
polyOrder = polyOrder,
-- source term
src = DataStruct.Field1D {
onGrid = grid,
location = "vertex", -- this will not work in general for polyOrder > 1
-- numNodesPerCell is number of global nodes stored in each cell
numComponents = 1*numNodesPerCell,
-- ghost cells
ghost = {1, 1},
-- ghost cells to write
writeGhost = {0, 1} -- write extra layer on right to get nodes
-- updater to initialize source
initSrc = Updater.EvalOnNodes1D {
onGrid = grid,
-- basis functions to use
basis = basis,
-- are common nodes shared?
shareCommonNodes = true,
-- function to use for initialization
evaluate = function (x,y,z,t)
local a, b = 2.0, -12.0
return 1 + a*x^2 + b*x^4
initSrc:setOut( {src} )
-- initialize source
initSrc:advance(0.0) -- time is irrelevant
-- write it to disk
-- field to store potential
phi = DataStruct.Field1D {
onGrid = grid,
-- numNodesPerCell is number of global nodes stored in each cell
numComponents = 1*numNodesPerCell,
ghost = {1, 1},
-- ghost cells to write
writeGhost = {0, 1} -- write extra layer of right to get nodes
-- clear out contents
-- create updater to solve Poisson equation
poissonSlvr = Updater.FemPoisson1D {
onGrid = grid,
-- basis functions to use
basis = basis,
-- boundary conditions to apply
bcLeft = { T = "D", V = 0.0 },
bcRight = { T = "D", V = 0.0 },
-- set input output fields
poissonSlvr:setIn( {src} )
poissonSlvr:setOut( {phi} )
-- solve for potential
status, dtSuggested = poissonSlvr:advance(0.0) -- time is irrelevant here
-- output solution