-- Input file to solve transverse magnetic mode Maxwell
-- equations. This uses a dual of the standard Yee cell and stores the
-- magentic field on edges and electric field on faces.

-- define some globals constants
lowerx = -1.0
lowery = -1.0
upperx = 1.0
uppery = 1.0
cellsx = 100
cellsy = 100
light_speed = 1.0

-- cell spacing
dx = (upperx-lowerx)/cellsx
dy = (uppery-lowery)/cellsy

grid = Grid.RectCart2D {
   lower = {lowerx, lowery},
   upper = {upperx, uppery},
   cells = {cellsx, cellsy},

Elc = DataStruct.Field2D {
   -- (electric field is stored on faces)
   onGrid = grid,
   -- [Ex, Ey, Ez]
   numComponents = 3,
   ghost = {1, 1},

ElcNew = DataStruct.Field2D {
   onGrid = grid,
   -- [Ex, Ey, Ez]
   numComponents = 3,
   ghost = {1, 1},

Mgn = DataStruct.Field2D {
   -- (magnetic field is stored on edges)
   onGrid = grid,
   -- [Bx, By, Bz]
   numComponents = 3,
   ghost = {1, 1},

MgnNew = DataStruct.Field2D {
   onGrid = grid,
   -- [Bx, By, Bz]
   numComponents = 3,
   ghost = {1, 1},

-- create duplicates in case we need to take step again
ElcDup = ElcNew:duplicate()
MgnDup = MgnNew:duplicate()

function initEz(x, y, z)
   local xc, yc = 0.0, 0.0
   local rad2 = (x-xc)^2 + (y-yc)^2
   return 0.0, 0.0, math.exp(-25*rad2)
-- initialize electric field

-- write initial conditions

-- updater for magnetic field
mgnUpdate = Updater.EdgeFaceCurl2D {
   onGrid = grid,
   -- MgnNew = Mgn - dt*curl(ElcNew)
   alpha = -1.0,
   -- speed of propagation
   speed = light_speed,
   -- CFL numbers
   cfl = 0.45,
   -- extra cells to update (needed for the dual Yee cell)
   ghostUpdate = {0, 1},
-- set input/out arrays (these do not change so set it once)
mgnUpdate:setIn( {Mgn, Elc} )
mgnUpdate:setOut( {MgnNew} )

-- updater for electric field
elcUpdate = Updater.FaceEdgeCurl2D {
   onGrid = grid,
   -- ElcNew = Elc + c^2*dt*curl(Mgn)
   alpha = light_speed^2,
   -- speed of propagation
   speed = light_speed,
   -- CFL numbers
   cfl = 0.45,
-- set input/out arrays (these do not change so set it once)
elcUpdate:setIn( {Elc, MgnNew} )
elcUpdate:setOut( {ElcNew} )

-- for use in electric field Bcs
bcCopyFlip = BoundaryCondition.Copy { components = {0, 1, 2}, fact = {-1, -1, -1} }
-- for use in magnetic field BCs
bxCopyFlip = BoundaryCondition.Copy { components = {0}, fact = {-1} }
byCopyFlip = BoundaryCondition.Copy { components = {1}, fact = {-1} }

-- function to create boundary condition object
function createBc(myDir, myEdge, outFld, appBc)
   local bc = Updater.Bc2D {
      onGrid = grid,
      -- boundary conditions to apply
      boundaryConditions = {appBc},
      -- direction to apply
      dir = myDir,
      -- edge to apply on
      edge = myEdge,
   bc:setOut( {outFld} )
   return bc

-- create boundary conditions updaters
bcElcLeft = createBc(0, "lower", Elc, bcCopyFlip)
bcElcRight = createBc(0, "upper", Elc, bcCopyFlip)
bcElcTop = createBc(1, "upper", Elc, bcCopyFlip)
bcElcBottom = createBc(1, "lower", Elc, bcCopyFlip)

bcMgnLeft = createBc(0, "lower", MgnNew, bxCopyFlip)
bcMgnRight = createBc(0, "upper", MgnNew, bxCopyFlip)
bcMgnTop = createBc(1, "upper", MgnNew, byCopyFlip)
bcMgnBottom = createBc(1, "lower", MgnNew, byCopyFlip)

-- run an updater
function runUpdater(updater, tcurr, dt)

-- take one time-step, without worrying about adapting it
function singleStep(tCurr, myDt)
   -- apply BCs on electric field
   runUpdater(bcElcLeft, tCurr, myDt)
   runUpdater(bcElcRight, tCurr, myDt)
   runUpdater(bcElcBottom, tCurr, myDt)
   runUpdater(bcElcTop, tCurr, myDt)

   -- update magnetic field (Mgn -> MgnNew)
   mgnStatus, mgnDtSuggested = mgnUpdate:advance(tCurr+myDt)

   -- apply BCs on magnetic fields
   runUpdater(bcMgnLeft, tCurr, myDt)
   runUpdater(bcMgnRight, tCurr, myDt)
   runUpdater(bcMgnTop, tCurr, myDt)
   runUpdater(bcMgnBottom, tCurr, myDt)

   -- update electric field (Elc -> ElcNew)
   elcStatus, elcDtSuggested = elcUpdate:advance(tCurr+myDt)

   return elcStatus and mgnStatus, math.min(elcDtSuggested, mgnDtSuggested)

-- function to advance solution from tStart to tEnd
function advanceFrame(tStart, tEnd, initDt)

   local step = 1
   local tCurr = tStart
   local myDt = initDt
   -- main loop
   while true do
      -- copy data in case we need to take step again

      -- if needed adjust dt to hit tEnd exactly
      if (tCurr+myDt > tEnd) then
	 myDt = tEnd-tCurr

      Lucee.logInfo (string.format("Taking step %d at time %g with dt %g", step, tCurr, myDt))

      -- take a time-step
      status, dtSuggested = singleStep(tCurr, myDt)

      if ( status == false ) then
	 -- time-step too large

	 Lucee.logInfo (string.format("** Time step %g too large! Will retake with dt %g", myDt, dtSuggested))
	 myDt = dtSuggested
	 -- copy over data from duplicate
	 -- step succeeded, proceed to next step


	 tCurr = tCurr + myDt
	 step = step + 1

	 -- check if done
	 if (tCurr >= tEnd) then

   return dtSuggested

-- parameters to control time-stepping
tStart = 0.0
tEnd = 3.0

-- compute time-step to move magnetic field to dt/2
dtSuggested = math.min(0.45*dx/light_speed, 0.45*dy/light_speed)
dt2 = 0.5*dtSuggested
-- move the magnetic field by -dt/2
runUpdater(bcElcLeft, tStart, -dt2)
runUpdater(bcElcRight, tStart, -dt2)
runUpdater(bcElcBottom, tStart, -dt2)
runUpdater(bcElcTop, tStart, -dt2)
mgnStatus, mgnDtSuggested = mgnUpdate:advance(tStart-dt2)

nFrames = 2
tFrame = (tEnd-tStart)/nFrames -- time between frames

tCurr = tStart
for frame = 1, nFrames do
   Lucee.logInfo (string.format("-- Advancing solution from %g to %g", tCurr, tCurr+tFrame))
   -- advance solution between frames
   dtSuggested = advanceFrame(tCurr, tCurr+tFrame, dtSuggested)
   -- write out data
   Elc:write( string.format("electricField_%d.h5", frame) )
   Mgn:write( string.format("magneticField_%d.h5", frame) )
   tCurr = tCurr+tFrame
   Lucee.logInfo ("")