-- Input file for advection with auxiliary variables
-- polynomial order
polyOrder = 2
-- cfl number to use
cfl = 0.5/(2*polyOrder-1)
-- grid on which equations are to be solved
grid = Grid.RectCart2D {
lower = {0, 0},
upper = {1.0, 1.0},
cells = {32, 32},
-- create FEM nodal basis
basis = NodalFiniteElement2D.Serendipity {
-- grid on which elements should be constructured
onGrid = grid,
-- polynomial order in each cell. One of 1, or 2. Corresponding
-- number of nodes are 4 and 8.
polyOrder = polyOrder,
-- number of nodes per cell for CG field
numCgNodesPerCell = basis:numExclusiveNodes()
-- number of nodes per cell for DG field
numDgNodesPerCell = basis:numNodes()
-- vorticity
chi = DataStruct.Field2D {
onGrid = grid,
numComponents = 1*numDgNodesPerCell,
ghost = {1, 1},
-- clear out contents
-- extra fields for performing RK update
chiNew = DataStruct.Field2D {
onGrid = grid,
numComponents = 1*numDgNodesPerCell,
ghost = {1, 1},
chi1 = DataStruct.Field2D {
onGrid = grid,
numComponents = 1*numDgNodesPerCell,
ghost = {1, 1},
-- velocity field
flowField = DataStruct.Field2D {
onGrid = grid,
numComponents = 2*numDgNodesPerCell, -- [ux, uy]
ghost = {2, 2},
-- create updater to initialize potential
initFlowField = Updater.EvalOnNodes2D {
onGrid = grid,
-- basis functions to use
basis = basis,
-- are common nodes shared?
shareCommonNodes = false,
-- function to use for initialization
evaluate = function (x,y,z,t)
return -y+0.5, x-0.5
initFlowField:setOut( {flowField} )
-- initialize potential
initFlowField:advance(0.0) -- time is irrelevant
-- write it out
-- create updater to initialize vorticity
initChi = Updater.EvalOnNodes2D {
onGrid = grid,
-- basis functions to use
basis = basis,
-- are common nodes shared?
shareCommonNodes = false, -- In DG, common nodes are not shared
-- function to use for initialization
evaluate = function (x,y,z,t)
local x0, y0, r0 = 0.25, 0.5, 0.15
local r = math.min(math.sqrt((x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2), r0)/r0
return 0.25*(1+math.cos(Lucee.Pi*r))
initChi:setOut( {chi} )
-- initialize potential
initChi:advance(0.0) -- time is irrelevant
-- write initial value
-- define equation to solve
advectionEqn = HyperEquation.AuxAdvection2D {
-- updater to solve hyperbolic equations
advectSlvr = Updater.NodalDgHyper2D {
onGrid = grid,
-- basis functions to use
basis = basis,
-- equation system to solver
equation = advectionEqn,
-- CFL number
cfl = cfl,
-- function to apply boundary conditions
function applyBc(fld)
fld:applyCopyBc(0, "lower")
fld:applyCopyBc(0, "upper")
fld:applyCopyBc(1, "lower")
fld:applyCopyBc(1, "upper")
-- apply BCs to initial conditions
function solveAdvection(curr, dt, chiIn, flowIn, chiOut)
advectSlvr:setIn( {chiIn, flowIn} ) -- flow-field is specified
advectSlvr:setOut( {chiOut} )
return advectSlvr:advance(curr+dt)
-- function to take a time-step using SSP-RK3 time-stepping scheme
function rk3(tCurr, myDt)
local status, dtSuggested
-- RK stage 1 (chi1 <- chi + L(chi))
status, dtSuggested = solveAdvection(tCurr, myDt, chi, flowField, chi1)
-- check if step failed and return immediately if it did
if (status == false) then
return status, dtSuggested
-- apply BCs
-- RK stage 2
status, dtSuggested = solveAdvection(tCurr, myDt, chi1, flowField, chiNew)
-- check if step failed and return immediately if it did
if (status == false) then
return status, dtSuggested
chi1:combine(3.0/4.0, chi, 1.0/4.0, chiNew)
-- apply BCs
-- RK stage 3
status, dtSuggested = solveAdvection(tCurr, myDt, chi1, flowField, chiNew)
-- check if step failed and return immediately if it did
if (status == false) then
return status, dtSuggested
chi1:combine(1.0/3.0, chi, 2.0/3.0, chiNew)
-- apply BCs
-- copy over solution
return status, dtSuggested
-- make a duplicate in case we need it
chiDup = chi:duplicate()
-- function to advance solution from tStart to tEnd
function advanceFrame(tStart, tEnd, initDt)
-- declare local variables
local step = 1
local tCurr = tStart
local myDt = initDt
local status, dtSuggested
-- main loop
while tCurr<=tEnd do
-- copy chi over
-- if needed adjust dt to hit tEnd exactly
if (tCurr+myDt > tEnd) then
myDt = tEnd-tCurr
print (string.format("Taking step %d at time %g with dt %g", step, tCurr, myDt))
-- take a time-step
status, dtSuggested = rk3(tCurr, myDt)
if (status == false) then
-- time-step too large
print (string.format("** Time step %g too large! Will retake with dt %g", myDt, dtSuggested))
-- copy in case current solutions were messed up
myDt = dtSuggested
tCurr = tCurr + myDt
myDt = dtSuggested
step = step + 1
-- check if done
if (tCurr >= tEnd) then
return dtSuggested
-- parameters to control time-stepping
tStart = 0.0
tEnd = 4*Lucee.Pi
dtSuggested = 0.1*tEnd -- initial time-step to use (will be adjusted)
nFrames = 16
tFrame = (tEnd-tStart)/nFrames -- time between frames
tCurr = tStart
for frame = 1, nFrames do
Lucee.logInfo (string.format("-- Advancing solution from %g to %g", tCurr, tCurr+tFrame))
-- advance solution between frames
dtSuggested = advanceFrame(tCurr, tCurr+tFrame, dtSuggested)
-- write out data
chi:write( string.format("chi_%d.h5", frame) )
tCurr = tCurr+tFrame
Lucee.logInfo ("")