:Author: Ammar Hakim :Date: Jan 14th 2022 :Completed: :Last Updated: Feb 6th 2022 PN1: Why Some Programming Languages Survive =========================================== .. contents:: Why do certain programming languages have such longevity? Is there a fundamental reason for this? Why has 50 years of research not led to significant evolution of the most widely used (but old) languages? Of course, many new languages, some with elegant concepts have appeared over the years. So what is the explanation that C remains so widely used? (C and C++ combined are 2x as popular as the next option, Python. Further, many other popular languages like C# and Java are also C-like in their basic semantics). The reasons for these are manifold. First, just because 50 years of research have gone by it does not mean that any fundamental change has occurred in the basis of computing. In fact, the situation should be compared to that of calculus: centuries have gone by and we still use the same notation as invented by Leibniz and concepts invented by him and Newton. Similarly, 2300 years later, the essential ideas of hydrostatic equilibrium are unchanged from what Archimedes laid down in his treatises. Maxwell’s equations, once written down using vector calculus 150 years ago, have remained unchanged. The reason for this (in mathematics and physics) is obvious: it reflects, in a deep way, the way our world works, at least in some limits. A similar situation exists in computing. The fundamental structure of our hardware dictates what languages will survive in the long run. Thousands of languages have come and gone. However, the hardware architecture (von Neumann architecture) has not changed and this means that languages that target or mimic this architecture in software will naturally survive. The most important language that was specifically invented to program machines with the von Neumann architecture is C. The explicit goal of C design was to be one level above assembly, a language that the hardware itself understands. This means that as long as the von Neumann architecture is around, C will continue to dominate and survive. Even languages that wish to supplant C will need to follow its lead in being compact, have few orthogonal concepts that can be combined in non-trivial ways and have the ability to talk to the hardware directly. This essentially explains C’s longevity and continues wide-spread use and popularity. (Though it would not *appear* C is that popular given all the fear of C that is cultivated, and lack of slick online marketing as compared to JavaScript, Java and C++, for example). On the cost of abstractions --------------------------- Certain level of abstractions are essential for programming. However, abstractions come with a cost. The more distant the abstraction takes one from the machine, the more expensive it is. Depending on the problem at hand, some abstractions can be very harmful. For example, in high-performance computing or in core systems software, any abstraction that hides the details of the machine is bad. For computational physics the *correct* level of abstraction is that of *mathematics*, i.e. arrays and other mathematically defined data-structures (multi-dimensional index-sets, lists, graphs, trees, etc) and functions/operators that act on them. Some recent language evangelists have propagated the phrase "zero cost abstractions", specially in the context of C++. Unfortunately, in most production memory- and speed-critical software this concept is completely false, perhaps dangerously so. This falsehood about abstractions having little cost or that "computationally intensive" parts can be rewritten in the future in a more optimal way, has led to a situation in which the software bloat has out-paced hardware speedup. It is one thing to demonstrate a small example of abstractions having little cost, but a totally different thing to maintain that this small example actually translates to production-level code. The former may be true, but the latter is most certainly false. Hence, modern software appears sluggish even on the fastest hardware. Efficiency matters, and despite reassurances from the language evangelists, efficiency can’t be easily (or at all) fixed later. It is one thing for Knuth to say "premature optimization is the root of all evil" as his genius is to write highly optimal solutions from the get go. However, when this becomes a mantra in the hands of others it leads to a disastrous mess of inefficient and resource hungry software that consumes gargantuan amounts of energy and yet underperforms. - Abstractions in computing is hard. Tradeoffs are inevitable and not simply restricted to performance. For example, unlike mathematics in which integers are unboundedly large and real numbers have infinite expansions, in a computer they must remain finite. Hence, knowledge of the hardware limitations must be accounted for when doing numeric-intensive work. - Memory is finite and linearly addressed in a von Neumann architecture. Programs are treated as data ("stored program architecture", first invented by Charles Babbage). Hence, the language must allow efficiently addressing the underlying memory and instructions via close-to-metal calls. This is particularly true when complex memory hierarchies, SIMD operations, pipelined CPUs and massively parallel threaded devices like GPUs are becoming commonplace. Abstractions here can be disastrously inefficient. - *Thin* abstract interfaces are good. C interfaces are ultimate in "thin-ness": structs and functions combined together with pointers (direct memory manipulation). These thin abstractions compile down to efficient assembly as the language allows expressing code in a manner that remains close to the machine. - In languages like C++ and Java, abstractions are often expressed as deep inheritance hierarchies. These are difficult to understand and highly brittle: modifying them is difficult and probably impossible in a production system. Worse, these deep inheritance hierarchies can have significant cost, specially in performance-critical software. - However, being one layer above assembly involves a cost in terms of safety, in that care must be taken to ensure one does not cross the process boundary. This requires discipline and consistent use of both static and dynamic analysis tools. - Safety in the fundamental sense of process-boundary violations is a false notion: errors can occur even in the most "safe" languages. Further, notional safety comes with large runtime as the concept of process-boundary must be abstracted into virtual machines. These runtimes hide more than you eventually want. - Language runtimes and especially garbage-collection (needed for safety and automatic management of resources) adds unpredictable overhead. Further, reference leaking can still occur. - Error handling is also driven by the underlying von Neumann architecture. Hence, errors must be caught and propagated backwards via error codes, undoing changes as needed. - C++ exceptions create *non-locality of the control flow*. In general, it is not obvious where and why an exception was thrown and the only real option is often to merely abort. - Further, using exceptions to implement control flow for errors is inherently clumsy. It is better to design state machines that properly handle recoverable errors and gracefully exit when the error is not recoverable. - Resource management in critical code must be done with care: delete/release when done, and don’t use after delete. In C one can do this cleanly by using gotos and compiler-extensions that allow you to call cleanup code when an object goes out of scope. - Abstraction layers in some languages can he hideous: innumerable constructors, complex operator overloading rules, polymorphism, implicit conversions, inheritance and virtual methods, generics, template meta-programming, exceptions, pure-interfaces, innumerable “decorators” etc, etc etc. Besides putting serious linguistic burden on the programmer, these promote programming practices that lead to very inefficient code [#]_. On the elegance of Lisp. Fortran and APL ---------------------------------------- Another language that has survived, though not with the same popularity as C, is Lisp. Here again, the reason for survival is Lisp reflects the fundamental mathematical nature of computing. This theory was developed in the early parts of the 20th century by Turning, Church and others based on work emerging from the quest to solidify the foundations of mathematics. Lisp is a concrete implementation of these fundamental mathematical ideas. One reason, though, why Lisp did not become dominant is that the hardware to run Lisp efficiently never become mainstream, and was soon totally eclipsed by machines based on the von Neumann architecture. Could things have turned out different, and Lisp become dominant compared to C? I am not sure, as the fundamental data-structure in Lisp (a cons-cell) requires indirection. So it is possible that the von Neumann architecture is actually mathematically inevitable when efficiency is accounted for. (Though Babbage invented the stored-program concept in the 18th century, it appears that von Neumann did not know about his work and independently rediscovered and fully developed it right after WW-II). However, despite run-time inefficiencies, Lisp and other functional languages are mathematically elegant. Lexical binding is magic and allows a very powerful way to program. Re-entrant procedures (like coroutines and continuations) can be used to implement complicated control structures and iterators over data-structures efficiently. Fortran and APL family of languages also have had significant longevity. Again, this is as multi-dimensional array manipulations, that lie at the heart of Fortran and APL, are fundamental when mathematics is performed on a computer. APL family of languages (and its descendants like `J `_), in particular, are close both to *mathematics* as well as the *machine* (as the data-structures and operators have direct representation in C) and hence continue to have usage in performance-critical applications decades after they were created. In conclusion ------------- It hence appears that the reason the three language families (C, Lisp and Fortran) have survived essentially unchanged over 50 years now is that they are based on fundamental and, perhaps inevitable, underlying mathematical structures. Hence, one can read a C or Lisp book from 1990s and still find them refreshingly modern. Meanwhile, even important landmark tomes like Knuth’s Art of Computer Programming are not studied for the code they contain, but more for the mathematical (algorithmic) analysis Knuth develops and exploits. Thus, as Brother William would say, as mathematics underlies Nature, it is natural and good that our machines and language should also express this fundamental feature of our Universe. Footnotes --------- .. [#] C++ is particularly bad at the linguistic overload it has introduced on programmers. If one uses C++, it is not enough to focus on the problem at hand, but one ends up spending countless hours navel-gazing obscure language features and quirks. In fact, one ends fighting the language far more than focusing on the problem at hand. Sadly, the C++ committee has gone on an offensive, releasing new extensions to the language every 3 years, making it impossible for an ordinary programmer, with real problems to solve, to ever master it fully. C++ is an overweight and unwieldy beast that is best avoided, unless one wants an ego boost from being called an "C++ expert".