SimJournal: Ammar Hakim’s Simulation Journal


Each note below also has links to the Lua script used to run the simulation. Usually, the links are in figure caption or in tables. They have (unhelpful at first) names like [s5]. If you want the exact initial conditions, boundary conditions and other simulation details, please click those links and look at the Lua script. The initial conditions are in (obviously named) functions like init(). The script also contains other details like exact setup (resolution, algorithms, limiters, time-steps, etc).


Gkeyll has undergone (and continues to undergo) major changes. The old-style Gkeyll 1.0 (G1) input files here will not work with Gkeyll 2.0 (G2). G2 and G1 are completely different codes. Even some G1 input files will need some (minor) mods to work. It is nearly impossible for me to keep these input files up-to-date as there are, literally, hundreds of them linked to my simulation journal.

Below are a set of useful (to me) technical notes and a list of journal entries, documenting various problems that have I used to benchmark features in Gkeyll. I can not guarantee that everything here is correct or accurate. I am very careful in testing and teasing out physics, but to err is human and some humans err more than others. If you find any typos or errors please let me know!

For Gkeyll documentation please see.

Technical Notes

Programming Notes

Simulation Journal